Springs Hosting


We have excellent advertising opportunities on our site for businesses and consumers alike.

You create simple or enhanced listings to describe your business or organization.  To create listings you need to register (registration is free).

When you need to create multiple listings for your business or organization or create listings on behalf of others, we have bulk purchasing plans available to save you money.  To purchase a subscription, please register (registration is free).

Display Advertising
Looking for something a little more creative?  We have display ad spaces on all of our site pages, from the site home page, to specific categories.  A variety of sizes and media are supported.  If you are interested in display advertising, please contact us.

We are podcasters, we engage our audience through our various websites such as https://greatdayradio.com, through social media such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and many others. We are great story tellers and incorporate it in our podcast when discussing our sponsors. We look forward to working with you!


Target Listener Profile:

1. Age Range:
- Primary: Adults aged 25-54
- Secondary: Adults aged 55+

2. Gender Breakdown:
- Male: 55%
- Female: 45%

3. Income Level:
- Middle to upper-middle-income earners

4. Education Level:
- Some college to college graduates

5. Occupation:
- Mix of professionals, business people, and skilled workers

6. Interests:
- Music (specific to the genre(s) played on the station)
- Current events
- Local news and activities
- Community issues and involvement
- Lifestyle and personal development
- Entertainment and celebrity news

7. Geographic Location:
- Predominantly the United States (US), Canada, and the United Kingdom (UK) or local area's in or near Denver Colorado

8. Technological Proficiency:
- Comfortable with digital technology and commonly uses smartphones and computers

9. Listening Habits:
- Prefers streaming for convenience and accessibility
- Often listens while commuting, working, or during leisure time

10. Psychographics:
- Values staying informed and connected with the community
- Enjoys uplifting and positive content
- Likely to participate in events and activities promoted on the station

11. Engagement with the Station:
- Active on social media, engaging with the station's profiles and posts
- Participates in contests and calls to action
- May provide feedback and suggestions to the station

12. Preferred Content:
- Music playlists
- Talk shows and interviews
- Live online radio shows with interactive segments

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